The 0-series Shinkansen was Japan’s first commercial Shinkansen train, which debuted on October 1, 1964 (Showa 39) to coincide with the opening of the Tokaido Shinkansen.This vehicle was the first in the world to exceed a maximum speed of 200 km/h in commercial operation, and it greatly inspired the development of high-speed railways in other countries such as France and Germany.
– Based on the formation of the first train, “Hikari No. 2,” departing from Shin-Osaka Station on October 1, 1964, the first day of the opening of the Tokaido Shinkansen.
– Includes R195 oval rail, a special color RC-02 controller and relayer, and stickers to customize the controller.
– By using the T020-3 Add-on Set (sold separately), which will be released at the same time, you can recreate a 12-car formation just like the actual train.
– Includes sign inlays for use on the middle cars of the T020-3 Add-on Set (sold separately).
– Minimum running radius is R195.
– Headlights and taillights light up.
– The interior light is compatible with the A031 (sold separately). A059 (sold separately) is compatible with DCC.
*Requires 8 AAA batteries (sold separately).
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